
“Larry Smith provided invaluable guidance in our achieving a level of quality performance that is envied in our industry. Our focus was teamwork, interdepartmental cooperation and communications.”

Steve Tanner, President
Arden International Kitchens

“After Larry began working with us, at some time or another nearly all our staff has told me, ‘This is the best company I’ve ever worked for.’ As a result, we work hard and we play hard. What a great combination! And when I return to the bottom line and set aside the people, what I find is amazing growth in both sales and bookings during our successful five-year run with Larry Smith as our mentor and coach.”

CeeBee Thompson, General Manager
Multi-Contact USA

“Larry Smith helped us stay focused during our meteoric growth from $20 million to over $200 million. One ingredient he helped us create was our mission statement summarized in three words: ‘Honesty • Teamwork • Results.’ It was stamped on every hardhat and all construction site office doors.”

Jerry Bender, Senior Vice President
Marelich Mechanical

“Larry Smith served as guide and facilitator on our 15-year journey to empowerment and customer focus. We’ve enjoyed enviable success in our marketplace. Our employees’ commitment to our customers’ needs is exceptional.”

Richard Piper, CEO
Yosemite Farm Credit

“Our eight-year relationship with Larry helped us assemble and grow a high performance management team that has produced a steady and rewarding rate of growth in the electronic component market.”

Bruno Schurter, President
Schurter, Inc.

“With Larry’s help and guidance, we had dramatic success in changing the culture of our company to where employees feel valued and proud to be part of UMEC. This change paid off handsomely in the marketplace.”

Pete Garcia, President & CEO
University Mechanical & Engineering Contractors