If you want exceptional performance for your company, you must focus on its culture. Any doubt? Read Jim Collins’ best-seller Good to Great.
I can help you achieve this. CEO sponsorship is required. A two-year commitment is also required, but before I ask for that, you’ll be convinced we have the right custom-crafted program for your company, including criteria for success.
For over 30 years, I’ve been guiding small and medium-sized companies to high-performance teamwork. I show my clients how to get more commitment, energy and creativity from their employees than they ever thought possible.
What does the culture of a Great organization look like?
It is a company of people…
…where everyone, from entry level to seasoned veteran, knows precisely what kind of a company you want to be five years from now?
…where everyone knows, understands and embraces the grand strategy for getting there?
…where everyone acts like he or she owns the place…constantly searching for better ways to please the customer (and it’s genuine – they really want to please)?
…where you have systems for all repetitive activities, designed to make it easier to meet and exceed customer expectations?
…where all employees are regularly asked their opinions for improvements to those systems, and those in charge really listen to their suggestions?
…where your people say what they think…right or wrong…absolutely and totally without fear.
…where your people never talk behind someone’s back…where if they had a beef they confronted the person with whom they had it…directly?
…where mutual trust and openness are the most noticeable characteristics of the culture?
…where barriers to communication are non-existent…across the organization from department to department…up and down the hierarchy?
…where all employees are committed…110%?
…where everyone can be counted on…where everyone is accountable…where every single member of the organization accepts the responsibility for results?
…where your supervisors insisted on creating a partnership with their direct reports in the form of a written agreement spelling out precisely what is expected of that person, including the criteria for excellence?
…where those supervisors also spelled out, in writing, what he or she would do to support the direct report’s pursuit of those achievement expectations.
…where each employee’s performance review includes his/her supervisor’s performance review…all focused on how the "partnership" is doing, i.e. "What can be done to improve the partnership’s performance."
…where there is a genuine interest in improving one’s skills and knowledge and where proven resources and guidance are easily accessible and sought after.
…where recognition of exceptional work is a constant happening…particularly outstanding team-work.
…where energy generating principles and values are stated clearly, understood and deeply shared by every single employee.
…where the compensation is fair, viewed as generous…and the results of hard work are shared.
…where the excitement is palpable…when you get out of bed in the morning, you can hardly wait to get to work.
I. You will have a clearly articulated vision .. one that is uplifting … one that is "bought into" viscerally by all your employees.
II. You will have long‑term objectives and strategies (a grand strategy) that are clearly understood and become the focus of your people’s energy.
III. You will have a mission and action plan for each manageable segment of your company’s activities.
IV. You will have new systems that simplify the handling of all repetitive activity and a structure that is totally aligned to support overall strategy.
V. You will have a culture of trust, openness and interdependence…in other words, superb teamwork.
VI. You will have a formal program that supports continuous self-improvement on the part of all employees.
VII. You will have a method of monitoring the expectations of all stakeholders of your company.
VIII. You will have a “Collaboration Plan” between each supervisor and his/her direct report that spells out the expectations for the direct report and the resources provided by the supervisor‑this will replace your current performance review program and will be many times more effective.
IX. You will have identified and codified the company’s values in recognition that shared values create limitless energy.
X. You will have a deep understanding and commitment to empowerment and the new paradigm for conducting business … Principle‑Centered Leadership.
The first step is the conduct of a company-wide “Assessment.” (Go to this service description for a comprehensive look.) This crucial exercise is where we look at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and problems through the eyes of your employees. Larry Smith’s analysis will help set agendas and priorities to guide implementation of the TQC program.
An important caveat … Since the act of soliciting employee opinion will be viewed as an important and positive undertaking by management, I require the findings be shared with all employees early in the program. Often this sharing becomes the event to kick-off the program.
One of the early activities will be a Management Team Retreat to develop an Action Plan that addresses the Assessment findings.
Another caveat … The Assessment is qualitative research … not quantitative. If you find yourself disagreeing with me, I’ll need to know that. It means we’ll have to work harder to get at the truth or, if need be, we’ll agree to disagree.
As we review the data, you will likely see problems and opportunities or insights I did not see… and I need to know that also.
The importance of the assessment is enhanced when you appreciate its value as a “benchmark” against which you can measure progress over time.
Next step … Meet face-to-face to determine if TQC is the right program for your company. You can choose to do the Assessment without committing to the total program. The findings can help you decide. If you decide to proceed with TQC, the cost of the assessment will be discounted 20%. Let’s talk.